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Tuesday 16 April 2019

George Clooney Quotes

George Clooney Quotes

George Clooney Quotes

George Clooney Quotes

I think about three days in, you could tell. I mean, I knew when I met her that she was so extraordinary and special. And then I wondered if I’d ever get a chance to date her,

Half of North America just lost their Facebook.

I don’t know,” but had plenty to say about his “very strong” wife, whom he said he’s “very proud to be married” to.

She’s stunning and has a great sense of style — there’s no stylist or anything, she just comes out like that and she shows up and she looks stunning. “And she does it while she’s got 11 cases going — literally. So she’s an amazing woman.

Amal, whatever alchemy it is that brought us together, I couldn’t be more proud to be your husband,

‘I knew when I met her that she was super extraordinary. I wondered if I would ever get a chance to date her. We were friends for a while and luckily she said yes.

I’m not the guy you kill. I’m the guy you buy! Are you so blind that you don’t even see what I am? I sold out Arthur for 80 grand. I’m your easiest problem and you’re gonna kill me?

Look, it’s good to surround yourself with anybody who is smarter than you, and for me the bar’s pretty low anyway. But Amal is way up there. She’s brilliant.

Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

Anybody who ever built an empire, or changed the world, sat where you are now. And it’s because they sat there that they were able to do it.

You’re either in or you’re out. Right now.

Okay, I want him out of here, in his car, and down the road or you can change the name of this place to Benny’s World of Blood.

This is why Superman works alone.

Maggie, when you grow up and are incredibly beautiful and intelligent and possess a certain sweetness that’s… that’s like a distant promise to the brave, to the worthy, could you please not beat to a pulp every miserable bastard that comes your way simply because you can? Could you not do that?

A hundred and fifty million without breaking a sweat. Now there are eleven of us, each with an equal share … you do the math.

Doctor, you can run your charts and your theories all you want. In the field, this is how it works: the good guys, that’s us, we chase the bad guys. And they don’t wear black hats. They are, however, all alike: they demand power, and respect, and they’re willing to pay top dollar to get it. And that is our highly motivated buyer.

As you get older and ease your way into being a character actor you have to be comfortable with where you

are in life and career, and I’m very comfortable with what I’m doing – working on projects I’m proud of.

You’ve got to walk before you can crawl.

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George Clooney Quotes on Life

Life’s better with the company. Everybody needs a co-pilot.

I don’t like to share my personal life… it wouldn’t be personal if I shared it.

You have only a short period of time in your life to make your mark, and I’m there now.

My life isn’t focused on results. My life is really focused on the process of doing all the things I’m doing, from work to relationships to friendships to charitable work.

George Clooney Quotes on Ocean’s Eleven
You’re either in or you’re out.

Ten ought to do it don’t you think? You think we need one more? You think we need one more. All right, we’ll get one more.

Our eyes were bigger than our stomachs.

Because the house always wins

Inspirational Quotes by George Clooney
The funniest thing is that all the things every director goes through, I thought I could shortcut, but there was no getting around those issues.

You never really learn much from hearing yourself talk.

I don’t believe in happy endings, but I do believe in happy travels, because ultimately, you die at a very young age, or you live long enough to watch your friends die. It’s a mean thing, life.

I know love at first sight can work. It happened to my parents.

George Clooney Quotes on Gravity
I know I’m devastatingly good looking but you gotta stop staring at me.

you just point the damned thing at Earth. It’s not rocket science.

Well, you’ve gotta admit one thing: can’t beat the view.

You’re the genius up here. I only drive the bus.

George Clooney Quotes on Marriage
I’m having a wonderful time and I’m a very lucky man to have met someone as special as my wife so I’m very happy, very optimistic.

George Clooney Quotes on Love
It’s a humbling thing when you find someone to love. Even better if you’ve been waiting your whole life.

I love children and I get along with them great. It’s just that I believe if you’re going to be a parent, there has to be something inside you that says, ‘I want a family.’ I don’t feel that sense of urgency.

If people see me having dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately believe that I’m having a love affair with her. Of course that’s rubbish. I’m not a playboy!

George Clooney Quotes Up in the Air
All the things that most people hate about traveling — the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi — are warm reminders that I’m home.

There’s nothing cheap about loyalty.

The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places; and one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.

Never get behind old people. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left

George Clooney Quotes about Character
I love my grey hair and wrinkles. I love the fact that my face has more of an edge and more character than it did when I was in my twenties and thirties. No Botox for me.

If you don’t drink coffee, I am suspicious of your character and will not invite you to my Italian lake home.

The idea that every time you do a film you’re supposed to be tortured confuses me. I mean, guys who say, ‘Oh, it’s really tough, my character is really suffering’ -come on. For us, even in the rotten ones we’ve had a good time. I don’t think you have to suffer.

The people I’ve respected most in the industry over the years – Paul Newman, for instance. I just loved the way he handled growing old on-screen. It’s understanding that you’re now basically a character actor. Which is fine, but you have to pay attention to it.

George Clooney Quotes from Movies
I always find the fish. Always!

Why is it that all the beautiful ones are homicidal maniacs? Is it me?

Is this your first time being robbed? You’re doing great.

Bush told the people to rise up against Saddam. They thought they’d have our support. They didn’t. Now they’re being slaughtered.

George Clooney Quotes about Amal
I’m a much happier person and we have a very happy life. We enjoy many of the same things and I very much enjoy the projects that she takes on because they have real consequence.

I would just like to say to my bride-to-be, Amal, that I love you very much and I can’t wait to be your husband.
