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Thursday, 11 April 2019

Happy Chocolate Day Quotes

Happy Chocolate Day Quotes

Happy Chocolate Day Quotes

Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in Hindi & English: February 9, the 3rd day of Valentine's 7 days, is dedicated to chocolates. Coming right after the Propose Day, it is the day to woo and also pamper your sweetheart with chocolates and a beautiful Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in Hindi, English the sweetness that will certainly enhance the charm of your connection. Chocolate Day is one of favorite day for girls in Valentine’s week. In case your beloved is upset with you, in that case, give her chocolate on this day or even you can post Happy Chocolate Day Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook. If you are living far from your sweetheart then do not worry, get Happy Chocolate Day Quotes for Girlfriend and Boyfriend form below and send it to her. Believe us, she is going to really feel happy after receiving it. There are numerous ways to express your emotions with the ones you love as you might feel shy when sharing your emotions. For sharing such feelings, get Happy Chocolate Day Quotes from here and send it to your mate.

Happy Chocolate Day Quotes

“सुन पगली मेरा StaTusतुझे Ð से ÐeeWanaनही, Ð से ÐarLingबना सकता है |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“दोस्ती के वादों को यूँ ही निभाते रहेंगे हम हर वक़्त आपको यूँ ही सताते रहेंगे, मर भी जायेंगे तो क्या ग़म है, हम आंसू बन कर आपकी आँखों में आते रहेंगे।” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“My weakness is chocolate – especially butterscotch and nut varieties.” Happy Chocolate Day!
“पानी की बूंदे फूलों को भिगा रही हैं, ठंडी लहरे एक ताज़गी जगा रही हैं, हो जायें आप भी इनमें शामिल, एक प्यारी सी सुबह चॉकलेट के साथ आपको जगा रही है |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“जो होती हो किसी दर पे दुआ कबूल, यकींन मानो उस दर पे मेरी जुबां पे सिर्फ तुम्हारा जिक्र होगा |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
Lovely chocolate and Lovely u, And lovely are the things you do, But the loveliest is the friendship of the two, One is me and other is u!
“Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.”
“Who cares about falling in love. I’d rather fall in chocolate.”
Simply Put… Everyone Has A Price, Mine Is Chocolate! Buy Me With A Chocolate!!! Sweet Heart!!!
I Searched Many Shops To Buy The Best Chocolate For You. But I Didn’t Find Any Chocolate Sweeter Than You And Your Smile.. Happy Chocolate Day Dear.
As chocolate is like a portion of life, Some are crunchy; some are nutty, Some are soft, but all Are DELICIOUS Happy Chocolate Day to my love one!
Tyohar Pyaar Ka Aya Hai Sang Apne Khushiya Laya Hai. Na Rahe Koi Bhi Rang Feeka Kar Lete Hain Pehle Kuch Muh Meetha.
Life is like a chocolate box, Each chocolate is like a portion of life, Some are crunchy, some are nutty, Some are soft, but all are DELICIOUS. Happy Chocolate Day to my love
“काश एक खवाहिश पूरी हो इबादत के बगैर वो आ कर गले लगा ले मेरी इजाजत के बगैर!” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.”
The bank of friendship cannot exist for long without deposits of chocolate.
Life is like a box of chocolates – full of nuts!
“गुल ने गुलशन से गुलफाम भेजा है, सितारों ने आसमान से सलाम भेजा है, मुबारक हो आपको चॉकलेट डे का यह प्यारा त्यौहार, हमने अडवांस में यह पैगाम भेजा है |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
तु मेरे दील पर हाथ रखके तो देख मे तेरे हाथो पर दील ना रखदु तो केहना |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“जो तू चाहे वो तेरा हो,रोशन रातें और खूबसूरत सवेरा हो, जारी रहें हमारी दोस्ती का सिल सिला, कामयाब हर मंजिल पर दोस्त मेरा हो |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“मुस्कुरा देता हूँ अक्सर देखकर पुराने MSG तेरे, तू झूठ भी कितनी सच्चाई से लिखती थी |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
मेरी एक छोटी सी बात मान लो, लंबा सफर है हाथ थाम लो बदले में चॉकलेट लेलो?” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
एक छोटी सी लड़ाई से हम अपना प्यार ख़तम कर लेते है! इससे तो अच्छा है की चॉकलेट से हम अपनी लड़ाई ख़त्म कर दें.” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“ज़रुरत है मुझे कुछ नए, नफरत करने वालों की, पुराने वाले तो अब चॉकलेट की तरह चाहने लगे हैं मुझे |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“Chocolate is medicinal. I just did another study that confirms it.” Happy Chocolate Day!
“Chocolate is a true friend, a trusted confidant, and faithful lover.” Happy Chocolate Day!

Also Read :

Best Wishes and Status of Happy Chocolate Day

It’s Valentine’s month so you have to make the most effort of it as you are planning to ensure it is special for your beloved. And, what exactly much better way of saying those lovely nothings than on Chocolate Day? It is time for you to celebrate the third day of this love-fill week – Chocolate Day as its name indicates is dedicated to Chocolates. Send these Happy Chocolate Day Quotes for your Love and can post your Facebook wall or can put Happy Chocolate Day Quotes on your Whatsapp to enhance someone’s day up. May it be regarding winning someone’s heart or letting someone you really love know how you feel about them, chocolates act as the best gifts. Everybody knows chocolates are bite-sized pieces of joy and happiness. Which is the reason why they are as good as an expression of love and if you cannot give them chocolates you can simply send them Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in Hindi and English to show that you love your partner and care for him\her, surely it will make your partner feel special.

Today Is Chocolate Day, Dairy Milk 4 Love, Perk For Friends, Kit Kat For Best Friends, Polo For Hatred, And Mentos For Cool Persons, What Do You Choose 4 Me?
Dil Humara Chocolate Ki Tarah Najuk Tum Usme Dry Fruits Ka Tadka Life Hogi Fruit And Nut Jaisi Agar Mill Jaye Girlfriend Tere Jaisi.
‘Love is like a chewing gum, it tastes only in the beginning! But friendship is like chocolate, It tastes till it ends!
Once you consume chocolate, chocolate will consume you.
“हम जिंदगी की भागदौड़ मे इतने बिजी हो हो गए, पता ही नहीं चला चॉकलेट 60 की कब हो गए |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“हम दोनों ही डरते थे एक दुसरे से बात करने में मुझे इश्क था इसलिए और उसे इश्क ना हो जाए इसलिए.|” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“हर रिश्ते में विश्वास रहने दो जुबान पर हर वक़्त मिठास रहने दो यही तो अंदाज़ है जिंदगी जीने का न खुद रहो उदास, न दूसरों को रहने दो ।” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“मिल रहे हो न खो रहे हो तुम दिन ब दिन बेहद चॉकलेट जैसे दिलचस्प हो रहे हो तुम |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
Aaj Chocolate Day Hai Chocolate to Khilaao, Meethi Meethi Koi Baat to Sunaao. Kab Se Tadap Rahe Hain Hum Aap Ke Pyar Me, Aaj to Hume Apne Gale
Se Lagaao! Happy Chocolate Day.
Our friendship is like a chocolate box, Which never makes us sweet less, It always gives us flavour of sweetness, It is so crunchy, so nutty and delicious, We are so lucky in this world.
“Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world’s perfect food.” Happy Chocolate Day!
“Other things are just food. But chocolate’s chocolate.”
“भगवान का दीया हुआ सब कुछ है, दौलत है, सोहरत है, ईज्जत है, पर एक चॉकलेट नहीं है” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“‎Valentine तो बच्चै मनातै है, आपनी वाली तो ‎Direct करवा चौथ मनेयैगी वो भी चॉकलेट साथ |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
“खुद से क्या मांगू तेरे वास्ते सदा खुशियां हो तेरे रास्ते हंसी तेरे चेहरे पे रहे इस तरह खुशबू फूल का साथ निभाती है जिस तरह ।” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
Chocolate Me Hai Meri Dil Ki Baat Is Chocolate Me He Tera Ikraar Ab Nahi Hota Mugse Aur Intezaar To Ye Lo Chocolate And Happy Chocolate Day Sweetheart.
I am wishing you a very happy chocolate day my sweet heart, as chocolates are necessary for healthy body, and true and devoted love is necessary of happy life.

Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in Hindi & English

Are you staying in different cities? Don’t be sad! You can also make their day blissful by sending sweet Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in English on Chocolate Day to make their day. On chocolate day young lovers give one another heart-shaped chocolates as a symbol of love. It is popularly celebrated with good excitement in almost all age groups, however specifically among the new generation. On the chocolate day, people share different types of chocolates or even greet one another Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in Hindi or English to spread joy and happiness. They give special heart chocolate, premium chocolate, flowers or expensive jewelry piece to their beloved ones. Together with these, you can even share Happy Chocolate Day Quotes for FB or Whatsapp it will help you to express your feelings for your partner.

Happy Chocolate Day Wishes in English

“Chocolate symbolizes, as does no other food, luxury, comfort, sensuality, gratification, and love.” Happy Chocolate Day!
Happy Chocolate Day Status in Hindi
“ज़िन्दगी गुजारने के लिए सिर्फ प्यार ही काफी नहीं ‎Chocolate, Ice Cream भी चाइये होती है |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!

One Chocolate Day Status for Whatsapp

“If I die eating chocolate, I’ll die happy.”
Money talks. Chocolate sings!
The best things in life are chocolate.
Happy Chocolate Day Wishes for Girlfriend
You Are The Sweetest Girl I Know, You Just Deserve The Best Of Every Day, I Want To Share Something Sweet, And Enjoy The Most Awaited Chocolate Day!

Happy Chocolate Day Wishes for Boyfriend

Your Kiss Is Chocolate For Me. Your Hug Is Teddy Bear For Me Your Face Is Moon For Me. Your Love Is Forever For Me. Love You Forever. Happy Chocolate Day!
Happy Chocolate Day Quotes in Hindi Font
किसने कहा पगली तुझसे की हम तेरी खूबसूरती पर मरते है, हम तो उस चॉकलेटी अदा पर मरते है जिस अदा से तू हमे देखती है |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!

Chocolate Day Status In Hindi Language

“खुशबु आ रही है कही से ताजे गुलाब की शायद खिडकी खुली रह गयी होगी उनके मकान की |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!
Happy Chocolate Day Wishes in English
“May your life be filled, as mine has been, with love and laughter; and remember, when things are rough all you need is Chocolate.” Happy Chocolate Day!

Happy Chocolate Day Status for GF/BF

“बार बार पूछने से जवाब बदल थोड़ी जायेगा, बता तो दिया ज़िन्दगी हो तुम |” हैप्पी चॉकलेट डे!

Happy Chocolate Wishes for Friends in English

“Chocolate is like my best friend and the most intense pleasure at the same time, perhaps not the most intense, but the most regular and reliable one.” Happy Chocolate Day!
I Never Miss Anyone Like You, It’s Probably The Hardest Thing To Do, Let’s Just Celebrate Chocolate Day, And Talk Of Things We Never Say!
